Welcome to GlantzBris.com
Rabbi Hazzan Howard K. Glantz,
Certified Moyel

Why Circumcise
Circumcision is a personal decision that parents deserve to be able to make without judgment from others. We make choices for our children from the moment they are born and we all do our best to choose the best course of action for them... because we have to.
Sometimes the discussion, "to circumcise or not to circumcise" becomes quite heated. As Jews, we circumcise our infant males because of the commandment first made by God to Abraham our patriarch, and continuing in a chain of tradition to the current generation. Despite claims and the general perception that circumcision rates have fallen, the percentage of males in the US who are circumcised has actually risen to 71% according to the most recent findings. There is more information going back decades.
Still, the medical benefits of circumcision are significant and continue to be discussed and debated. Rabbi Glantz keeps up on articles and reports regarding all things medical related to his field. He regularly discusses and consults with local pediatricians and urologists and is permitted to perform circumcisions in most local hospitals when necessary.
Of course, if you have arrived at this page of the website, you have likely done web searches and read articles with very strong opinions including blanket statements. Rabbi Glantz has curated through hundreds and provided below what he sees as the most current and useful information on male infant circumcision. A reliable and balanced source is easier to identify when it is free of emotion and vitriol, presenting findings with the accepted methodology we demand elsewhere.
Is Circumcision Good or Bad? reviewed last in January 2022
Mayo Clinic Guidance (2022)- One inaccuracy found: Hospital circumcision is usually performed within the first 24-48 hours while still at the hospital. In the vast majority of medical facilities, it is very difficult to come back into the hospital for this procedure or to time it for the 8th day.
Circumcision Lowers Chances for AIDS
Does His Circumcision Lower Her Risk for Cervical Cancer? Also, click here www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6365441
CNN 2012 coverage of new findings
Circumcision Lowers Risk of Prostate Cancer
NY Times: Benefits of Circumcision Said to Outweigh Risks